Coping skills

/Coping skills

If You Don’t Think You’re Brave, Then Think Again

By |May 16th, 2016|Coping skills, Inspiring, Motivation, Success, Videos, Whole LIfe|

Do you know the difference between being fearless and being brave?  You might think they're the same thing but they certainly aren't. A 3-year old child could be described as fearless as he jumps off the roof dressed as Superman, believing he can fly!  But that's not very sensible, is it? Being fearless often means being reckless and [...]

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How To Live Each Day With Purpose

By |April 17th, 2016|Coping skills, Goal setting, Happiness, Inspiring, Motivation, Success, Whole LIfe|

Can you believe we're half way through April already?  Where is the year going? Before you know it we'll be planning Christmas and saying, "Can you believe it's another Xmas already?  Where did that year go!" So how are things for you ? Are you happy with where you're at? One of the things I find [...]

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Come and share my sunshine

By |March 17th, 2016|As I see it, Coping skills, Emotions, Feeling Down, Grief, Happiness, Inspiring, Videos|

Have you ever flown on a plane when the weather has been really cloudy and raining?  It can be darned miserable down there on the ground before you take off. But what happens when you get above the cloud?  There is no longer any rain and the clouds are all beneath you.  It's like you [...]

6 Tips To Get More Work-Life Balance

By |November 13th, 2015|Coping skills, For Parents, Happiness, Success, Whole LIfe|

If you’re always busy but feel like you aren’t performing at the optimal level in some areas of your life, then perhaps you need to check your work/life balance.  It’s a very common problem and the work/home balance is probably the most challenging of all.  It seems that you are needed everywhere and if you are a [...]

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Why It’s Scary When You Have No Control

By |October 17th, 2015|As I see it, Coping skills, For Parents, Whole LIfe|

One of the scariest things in life is when you have no control and need to trust someone else, because there are times that you need to do that.  You can’t always be the one who makes all the decisions and leads the way, and how you do things is certainly not the only way [...]

9 Steps To Successfully Get Unstuck And Move Forward

By |September 29th, 2015|Coping skills, Happiness, Success|

Have you ever thought, “I wish I could just let go and move on”?  Sometimes it feels like our whole life is on hold and we’re waiting for something to happen; something good or something bad…we’re not sure what but we’re waiting all the same. But how long do you wait?  And is waiting doing [...]

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Sometimes You Just Have To Trust

By |August 28th, 2015|As I see it, Coping skills, Emotions, Happiness, Success|

Sometimes you just have to trust — trust yourself, trust others and trust life. The dictionary definition of trust is: Firm belief in the reliability, truth, or ability of someone or something.    That doesn't sound too hard does it?  In other words, Reliable...Honest...Capable. So why do we have so much trouble with this?  We doubt ourselves, [...]

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Handling other people and their attitudes

By |August 14th, 2015|Coping skills, Feeling Down, Grief, Happiness|

Do you feel like no-one really understands where you are at?  Are the people around you stuck in their own spiral of negative emotions and behavior and you’re trying to bust out of that?  It’s important to understand that we are all individuals — you are not them and they are not you.  You have [...]

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