

Why Creativity Is So Important (and it’s not about art!)

By |May 24th, 2016|Creative, Goal setting, Happiness, Inspiring, Motivation, Success, Videos, Whole LIfe|

Thinking creatively does not always refer to creating works of art, e.g. painting, music or poetry. Thinking creatively helps you get out of tricky situations.  Thinking creatively empowers you to think outside the square and make the most of every opportunity that comes knocking on your door. It's not what you have but what you [...]

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If You Don’t Think You’re Brave, Then Think Again

By |May 16th, 2016|Coping skills, Inspiring, Motivation, Success, Videos, Whole LIfe|

Do you know the difference between being fearless and being brave?  You might think they're the same thing but they certainly aren't. A 3-year old child could be described as fearless as he jumps off the roof dressed as Superman, believing he can fly!  But that's not very sensible, is it? Being fearless often means being reckless and [...]

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Come and share my sunshine

By |March 17th, 2016|As I see it, Coping skills, Emotions, Feeling Down, Grief, Happiness, Inspiring, Videos|

Have you ever flown on a plane when the weather has been really cloudy and raining?  It can be darned miserable down there on the ground before you take off. But what happens when you get above the cloud?  There is no longer any rain and the clouds are all beneath you.  It's like you [...]

Why Do We Stop Chasing Our Dreams?

By |July 2nd, 2015|Videos|

Have you ever had a dream?  Not the kind you have when you go to sleep but a desire to do something amazing.  Did you ever achieve that dream?  If you didn't then you are not alone because most people never do. But if our dreams are what gives us passion, purpose and inspiration, why [...]

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