

It Came And Bit Him Where It Hurts!

By |July 11th, 2016|For Parents, Goal setting, Motivation, Success, Whole LIfe|

We had my son’s parent teacher interviews at school the other day.  He had 100% success rate but not the kind you really want.  His success?  He managed to have every one of his teachers say, “You’re a pleasure to have in the classroom BUT stop all your procrastinating and get your work handed in, [...]

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Can We Change Our Memories?

By |March 13th, 2016|For Parents|

I have only fond memories of my childhood.  I used to worry about what memories my children will grow up with, but now I've analysed the whole process a bit more I no longer worry. My parents weren’t deliberately making memories for us, they were just living their life and doing what they thought was [...]

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